There inevitably comes a moment when we find ourselves stuck: the proverbial “mid-life crisis,” the stagnate relationship, the monotonous job, uncertainty looms large, the doldrums of our daily routine slowly restrict our ability to breathe. We desire change, growth, and progress, yet often lack the clarity or motivation to break free from the chains of inertia. In moments like these we must be willing to confront our P.A.I.N. - Power Awaits Investigate Now.

Pain is ubiquitous and comes in many shapes and sizes. It’s one of the great threads connecting all humanity. Hence understanding the genesis of our pain and maybe more importantly, learning to recognize how our original pain keeps playing out over and over in our lives is critical to getting “unstuck.” Getting stuck rarely happens all at once. Instead, it creeps up on us, slowly but steadily, until one day we wake up and realize just how far we've strayed from our desired path. This common phenomenon, which I call the "slow fade,” is insidious in its subtlety, but it can also serve as a powerful wake-up call.

The acronym P.A.I.N. encourages us to view and engage pain as a means to an end, a path, a tool, rather than a destination that we must avoid at all costs. It serves as a call to action, spurring us to boldly confront our innermost self by embarking on the meaningful journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Power Awaits: At the core of P.A.I.N. lies the belief that an eternal well of untapped power awaits those who dare to question their beliefs about their past. It’s eternal because everyone, everywhere, across time has, is, and will experience pain. So, let’s turn pain on its head. Let’s convert pain into the power to:

  • admit some of you were born into a very dysfunctional environment through no fault of your own.
  • know offering forgiveness is not to condone the action(s) of someone who caused you undue pain.
  • keep your side of the street clean regardless of how you feel.
  • respond to life’s realities rather than react.

…to name just a few. It's the power that stands on truth, sides with love, and is fueled by freedom to live into who you’re called to be. Truth, love, and freedom are likewise eternal in nature; they rest deep in our soul. However, this power remains dormant until we let the light of truth, love, and freedom expose the pain we stuff, deny, avoid, and minimize.

Investigate Now: The journey of getting “unstuck” begins with investigation. The second part of the acronym emphasizes the importance of accepting the fact that we have actively participated in our “slow fade” into our current circumstances. Though we certainly didn’t cause or instigate all our pain; we have perpetuated it. Therefore, we must take a fearless inventory of our lives, examining every aspect with a discerning, humble, and objective eye. By thoroughly answering the following questions we can start to unpack the powerful trifecta of how our thoughts, actions, and our past combine to get and keep us stuck:

  • Which habits, auto-pilot behaviors, and default thought patterns influence our daily responses to life?
  • Where, when, and how do the habits, auto-pilot behaviors, and default thought patterns most conspicuously manifest in our daily responses to life and most significant relationships?

The willingness to confront uncomfortable truths shines light into the shadows of our mind and heart; we gain the clarity and insight needed to chart a new course forward. It’s not easy, but it is simple.

This is where my core philosophy of the "1 Degree" comes into play. It's a mindset that emphasizes the importance of making small, incremental changes to effect meaningful and lasting transformation. Just as a ship's course can be significantly altered by just one degree over time, so too can our lives be recreated through the cumulative impact of small but consistent actions.

Make a decision to establish agency and empowerment over your pain. Turn pain on its head. If nothing changes, nothing changes. Stand tall. Stand firm. You’re worth it.

